Friday, February 14, 2014

3rd Grade - The symbol for me

Project Focus:

  • Learning about symbols in art and in our culture.
  • Creating their own symbol to represent something about themselves.
  • Learning a new printmaking process  - Collagraph printing
    • Collagraph printmaking is a process where materials with various textures and cut and applied to a rigid cardboard with glue to create a collage style image.  This collage is used a a printing plate that is inked with a roller then printing onto another piece of paper creating an image.  

Click Here to learn more - What is a Print? 

Artist:  Bailey
Artist:  Cooper

Artist:  Jack C.
Artist:  Yuritzi
Artist:  Camryn
Artist:  Addison
Artist:  Sabrina
Artist:  Vaughn

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