
Friday, February 14, 2014

Sneak Preview of upcoming art topics:

Here are a few of the concepts we are currently working on in our classroom.
Students, spend some time exploring these further at home.


1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

Fun With ART:  
Click here or on the poster to play an art online game and learn more about the elements of art

3rd Grade:
Henri Rousseau's Tiger in a tropical Storm (Surprise!) 1891
Fun with Art:  
Click on Rousseau's painting to create your own jungle online.

4th Grade:

5th Grade:

Kindergarten - Matisse Style Fishtanks

Henri Matisse  The Goldfish

Project Focus:
  • The students learned about the artist Henri Matisse and discovered how he used color and patterns in his work.
  • They viewed and discussed the features of Matisse's painting, "The Goldfish"
  • The painted a background in either primary or secondary colors
  • They create patterns with stamps.
  • To complete their picture they created their very own fishbowls and tables then assembled them all together.  

Artist:  Kyler
Artist:  Simon

Artist:  Grace
Artist:  Andie

Artist:  Khue
Artist:  Pamela

3rd Grade - The symbol for me

Project Focus:

  • Learning about symbols in art and in our culture.
  • Creating their own symbol to represent something about themselves.
  • Learning a new printmaking process  - Collagraph printing
    • Collagraph printmaking is a process where materials with various textures and cut and applied to a rigid cardboard with glue to create a collage style image.  This collage is used a a printing plate that is inked with a roller then printing onto another piece of paper creating an image.  

Click Here to learn more - What is a Print? 

Artist:  Bailey
Artist:  Cooper

Artist:  Jack C.
Artist:  Yuritzi
Artist:  Camryn
Artist:  Addison
Artist:  Sabrina
Artist:  Vaughn

4th - Minature food sculptures

Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen
Spoonbridge and Cherry, 1985-1988
The work was installed in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden in 1988.
This work is one of two fountain sculptures created by
Oldenburg and his wife, Coosje van Bruggen.

Project Focus:

  • Finding answers to the following questions:
    • What is Art?
    • What is Sculpture?
  • Making miniature sculptures using polymer clay.
  • Creating sculpture in the Round that is interesting on all sides.  

Fun with Art:  
Click on Claes Oldenburg's sculpture above to learn more about his art.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

5th Grade - Insect prints

Project Focus:  
Our 5th grade students create art using a new printmaking project called reductive printing.  This style of print making allows the students to use more than one color and allows them to add additional designs in multiple colors.  
Artist: Sawyer
Artist:  Emily
Artist:  Mayrui
Artist:  Sydney H. 
Artist:  Apurva

Artist:  Jordan C.
Artist: Seyhan

Kindergarten - Collage Birds in the snow

Project Focus:  
- Collage in Art
- Shapes
- Creating texture with paint

Artist:  Aiden
Artist:  Imani
Artist:  Andre

Artist:  Kelsi T.
Artist:  Joshua P.
Artist:  Hilary C.

1st Grade - Me and my favorite place

Project Focus:
During this project, the students learned about what a portrait is in art and the steps for drawing a self-portrait.  After this they learned what a landscape is by viewing many great landscape artists.  Then they drew a small landscape picture of their favorite place and assembled the two pictures together.